Thursday, February 25, 2021

Retirement Planning 101: The Income Trap

What if the biggest risk to your 401k isn’t risk of loss or unknown fees dragging down your returns over time?

What if the biggest risk is you might have to live off of 3 to 4% withdrawals per year in retirement?

If you’re within 10-15 years of retirement and not familiar with the “Safe WIthdrawal Rate”, you should be.  This is the percentage amount Wall Street recommends you withdraw each year to avoid running out of money in retirement.

You’re being told to max out retirement contributions but it’s only half the story.  As you get closer and closer to retirement, the real story is how much income will you generate and how?

Let’s face it, if you’re not retiring with a pension, you need an income plan more than you need a savings plan.  The biggest 401k/IRA asset you accumulate still leaves you stuck surviving off a “safe” 4% withdrawal rate. 

Every $1,000,000 you save would only net you $40,000 a year, and this is before taxes! 

Do the math for your situation.

How much will you need saved to generate the income you need?

Here’s Wall Street’s retirement plan for you.

Save more, work longer, take more risk, or make sacrifices to retire sooner.

Or it's some combination of those options.

Which option do you choose?

None, right?

Hopefully, you’re starting to get the picture.

You see, if you’re within 10 to 15 years of retirement, every dollar you save for your retirement must now be allocated as efficiently as possible to produce as much income as possible.  

Instead of following mainstream financial advice and building the largest 401k or IRA possible in an all market based approach, you should be learning how to create the largest and most predictable income stream for your retirement with the least amount of risk and with as little money as possible.

This means having a retirement plan that is ruthlessly efficient in obtaining the highest and most desired retirement end goal:  Income and as much of it as possible!

Sadly, here’s the reality you'll face when you go to retire unless you get your retirement income conversation started now:  

All your retirement assets in the market is the riskiest retirement strategy you can take unless you know the answers to these 2 questions:

How long will you live?

How much income will you need?

If you don’t know the answers (and who does?), should you really be risking 100% of your retirement on the probability of lasting at least 30 years at a 4% withdrawal rate?

Risk of loss isn’t the biggest threat to your retirement plan.  

The risk of not having enough income each month should be your #1 concern but you’ve been led to believe having the biggest balance sheet is all you’ll need to have a worry free retirement. 


That’s why retirement income planning is on the verge of the biggest changes in over a generation.

Ask any retiree with a pension if they would trade their pension for a 401k.  It’ll never happen!

Fun fact:  people retiring with pensions live longer than those retiring without a pension.

The reason why is simple.  Financial stress and anxiety is eliminated when you know you have more money arriving next month no matter how long you live.

Have you ever noticed the mainstream narrative is to build the biggest asset possible instead of the largest income?  Who benefits from that?  The answer shouldn’t surprise you.

You’ve been told for the longest time to max out your 401k, take the employer match, and you’ll be able to retire with a lot of money.  It’s good advice but only until you realize you still have to figure out how to create the largest income possible which no one ever teaches you how.

Let’s face it, you can’t take your brokerage statements to the grocery store.  Those numbers don’t buy the groceries!  You have to turn it into income first!

So the question that you should be asking yourself is:  How can I generate the largest and most predictable income for ALL years of my life?

Imagine retiring with more income each month and never having to worry about running out of money or that you’ll leave your kids with little to pass on. 

If you’re looking for simplicity, efficiency, levels of guarantees, and leaving a legacy is important to you, we invite you to schedule a strategy session to learn how you can create what we call a “Pension 2.0”.  

We’ll show you how to maximize your retirement nest egg to generate income on average 50% greater than your current retirement plan while still staying invested in the market.

Use the link here to schedule your strategy session:

Thank you,

John Montoya

Monday, February 8, 2021

Bitcoin Newbies: The Best Way To Start Owning Bitcoin

If you are new to Bitcoin this is a quick start guide so you can get started OWNING Bitcoin. Make it your goal to own 1 Bitcoin. With only 21 million Bitcoins that will ever be created this is an asset class that you need to dip your toes into so you're not looking back in 5-10 years wishing you had. 

Follow me on Twitter for content to help you better understand what Bitcoin is all about but just like you don't need to understand how the internet works to shop on Amazon or do your online banking, you can start to own Bitcoin safely and in the case of my first recommendation, Lolli, you can begin to own Bitcoin without buying it directly on any exchange. 

Bitcoin is the internet of money. It's time to start building a position if you haven't already!

(FULL DISCLOSURE: the links below are referral codes.  You and I may both receive Bitcoin when you use the referral code to register.)

Earn Bitcoin When You Shop


Earn Bitcoin when shop at over 1,000+ partner stores like Ebay, Nike, Adidas, and Priceline.  See the pic below how I earned $20.52 in Bitcoin when I used Lolli to rent a car for my next vacation via Priceline.

Use my Referral Code and we'll be earn free Bitcoin:

Where to Buy and Hold Bitcoin

From my user experience Strike is the best way to buy Bitcoin.  However, you do not want to keep you Bitcoin on exchanges.  


Join Strike and earn $10 when you sign up and verify your account using my referral code OGPYR7:

"Not your keys, not your Bitcoin."

This should be your mantra.  Buy a cold wallet like a Trezor or Nano Ledger.  Move your Bitcoin off exchanges.

Recommendations On How Much To Buy

Only invest what you can afford to lose.  Bitcoin shouldn't be more than 10% of your portfolio.  As you build a base, it is likely Bitcoin could become more than 10% of your net worth but only invest what you are willing to lose 100% of and you will sleep at knowing you aren't risking your life savings.  Let investing in crypto happen over time by dollar cost averaging.  As a Bitcoin Newbie, $10-$200 as your monthly budget can afford it will allow you to start building a position that you can confidently grow into as you learn more about Bitcoin.

Do you have time to unwind before going to sleep? Go down the Bitcoin rabbit hole with me on Twitter.  I link a lot great articles and videos about crypto... also Infinite Banking, Austrian economics, and free market principles but crypto dominates my Twitter feed.  It's a great resource because I'm already curating everything for you.