There are currently 3 ways a person can create tax-free income for retirement.
1. Own Municipal Bonds
2. Fund a Roth IRA
3. Own a Cash Value Life Insurance Policy
Of the 3 options, only a cash value life insurance policy provides guarantees and predictability that retirement savers can count on. Specifically, this is accomplished by owning a professionally customized tax-advantaged Whole Life insurance policy. This type of savings plan provides the best guarantees and historical track record of providing the financial peace of mind people are seeking, yet have no idea where to find it. This is because the Wall Street marketing machine has conditioned people to believe that saving money requires taking risk and following investment advice provided solely by Wall Street.
As savers, we focus so much on following traditional investing advice to avoid market loss that we completely miss the bigger risk taxes will have on our retirement. If you are like most people, every dollar of your retirement income will be taxed. Is this so??? Does it makes sense to be so poorly prepared for taxes in retirement when we know our government will have to substantially raise taxes in order to pay for promised entitlements and spiraling debt?
Despite the 24 hour marketing reminders from Wall Street, it is still the case that people are far more interested in having financial peace of mind than tiptoeing around the inherent risk that comes with attempting to accumulate wealth. One of the ways you can have financial peace of mind is by not only eliminating loss from your retirement savings, but also by eliminating taxes during retirement.
In years past, financial peace of mind came from having a pension to look forward to in retirement but even these plans create taxable income. Unfortunately, very few companies offer pension plans having replaced these defined benefit retirement plans with contribution benefit retirement plans like a 401k/403b/457 or SEP-IRAs for the self-employed. So people now have the double whammy of an unknown income at retirement plus the neverending tax bill that comes with these type of traditional qualified retirement plans.
As a Bank on Yourself authorized advisor, we have the most conservative and tax-free retirement plan a business owner or individual can utilize for their retirement savings.
Compare your plan to Bank on Yourself by clicking here.
I highly encourage you to learn more. To request a free Bank on Yourself analysis, you also have 2 options:
1. Call John Montoya, authorized Bank on Yourself advisor at 800-208-6141
2. Go to Bank on Yourself, request a free analysis. Be sure to let them know John Montoya from California told you about the web site.
John Montoya
JLM Wealth Strategies, Inc.
(925) 386-6639 Office
Authorized Advisor-Bank on Yourself®
CA Life#0C42222
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